Saturday, June 7, 2008

Day 7 - One Week On

The first week of my little experiment has gone past relatively smoothly. There were a few hiccups initially, but i think I'm getting into the groove of it all.

It has been most interesting when explaining the challenge to people. Most see me as bizarre and eccentric, others find it interesting and want to know more. Either way, i guess this is largely a personal expedition of exploring more about the effects that food has upon humans. Sometimes these issues don't present themselves so clearly on the surface, however, with an inquisitive mind and a desire to want to delve further, deeper issues can be pried out.

Over the coming weeks, I'm going to try and flesh out more and present them to you the reader. Feel free to leave comments of whatever nature. The food suggestions are great and I'll make an attempt follow them up and photograph the result of them. Or if you have an opinion/view on a topic i have raised, don't hesitate to engage me in public discourse.

Happy Eating.

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