Friday, June 20, 2008

Day 18 & 19 & 20 - ... and time goes by

As i type up this recap for the past 2 days, i am also reaching for the tissue, yanking not 1, not 2 but 3 tissues out of the box. My nose is like a fire hydrant, that just wont turn off! *aaaaarhhh tisssssssueeeee"

Cinematic Orchestra is crooning over the headphones whilst the fans in my computer are whirring and humming along. Friday night in... its great!

Yet for many, they don't have that luxury. They are slaving away, working the late shifts ensuring that the world continues to spin and they are able to survive. This blog post is dedicated to them.


Breakfast: Porridge
Lunch: Toast with Leftover Baked Beans
Dinner: Chunky Tomato and Onion Pasta Sauce (made by me)

Total Cost: $1 (Onion)


Breakfast: Porridge
Lunch: Toast with Tomato and Onion Pasta Sauce
Dinner: 2x 2min Noodle

Total Cost: $1 (2min Noodle)


Breakfast: Toast
Lunch: Porridge
Dinner: Leftover Chunky Tomato and Onion Pasta Sauce (made by me)

Purchase: Doritos Corn Chips ( the cravings must be appeased)

Total Cost: $2

I have really scrimped this past couple of days on my food intake and my expenditure. Again its due to the lack of time. What with my numerous sporting commitments, i struggle to understand how time can be spent in preparation, cooking, eating and then cleaning for one. It's mind-boggling! If people can come up with good ideas, then let me know.

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