Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Day 4 - Mark it down, James Brown

Warren's got a brand new bag. Well not really, it's just your normal plastic bag. Went shopping during lunch to see what i could get for my $5 dollars. Turns out there was a some markdowns on vegetables. Boy did i feel good.

There have been some concerns raised by a few friends about my past meals and how its not sustainable nor healthy. Thanks, and i agree with you all! My problem is that I just haven't been managing my time very well and subsequently, i am either eating not so healthy foods or skipping a meal all together. I will endeveour to do better.

So a breakdown of my purchase in respect to health benefits.

  • Penne Pasta - source of carbs

  • Salad Mix - Vitamins, fibre, antioxidents

  • Red Radish - Antioxidents that contain anthocynanins which may help decrease colon cancer

  • Devon - Some meat properties i think although barely

  • Cabbage - Makes you fart

Total Cost: $4.90

Breakfast saw 3 Slices of toast... againLunch was a sandwich with the salad mix and devon.That means I am left with radish and cabbage.I'm going to get on up and try to make something funky! I've never cooked radish before so its going to prove to be interesting. I'll post up my masterpiece later.

Hot pants!

1 comment:

Fionnuala Healy said...

Love the link to the better health website. Not only are you providing useful tips for a cheap lunch but also the impacts for people in the vicinity.

I'm just glad that I'm not sitting beside you in work any more!