For me, I'm awaken by the locals having a terse argument
"Frank, Frank, i want my %*&#@ money!!!"
" I don't have your ^*$#% money you dumb ...."
Ahhh... so much serenity.
Serenity and winter aside, today marks the commencement of my month long $5 a day challenge.
Having only been awake for an hour or 2, its already proven to be difficult. Most weekends see me stumbling down to my favourite cafe Bobby's in a bleary-eyed stupor for some much needed coffee and a mighty massive breakfast ( 2 bacon, 2 eggs, fried mushrooms and tomatoes on Turkish). As satisfying as the meal is, it's luxury that i will need to forgo for the time being.
$2.50 for a soy latte is by no means an expensive cup of espresso, but when the cost is half your budget, one really needs to weigh up the options.
Brunch consisted of eggs and cheese on toast that were present in the fridge and numerous refills of tea . Its no massive breakfast but it filled the void that resided in my stomach. It would be fair to say, apart from skipping breakfast, meals are far more cost effective when purchased and prepared by yourself especially when a loaf of bread and a carton of eggs can be had for a similar price as a paid meal.
Now it can be easy for me to continually eat the same thing day in, day out, but that would be dull and boring as well as not to entirely beneficial to the body. So I'll attempt to try and incorporate as many different foods as monetarily possible.
As yet, i still don't have a concrete plan in what i will be purchasing but hey, thats half the fun. I'm sure it will materialize as the event unfolds.
1 comment:
Dude I'm calling shinanegins on your experiment.
Where did the eggs and bread come from?
You obviously didn't buy that with no $5 per day... I could live on zero dollars a day if someone else bought all the food and left it in the fridge and then I just found it, cooked it and ate it myself. Heck, I could even have Tetsuyas if it wasn't technically paid for by me.
Plus... you can't get a gift of beer from someone else during the month. That's cheating!
That's my 0.02c but I guess it's your "experiment" :P
p.s I demand you restart :P
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