Monday, June 30, 2008
Day 30 - The End is Nigh
I thought i would share some questions that were asked to me today.
So what are you going to do Warren? Are you going to splurge on a dinner out at Tetsuyas?
- No i'm not, i don't think my tastebuds are ready for it yet + last i heard from friends was that there is a 6 month waiting list
Are you glad it's over with?
- Absolutely positively Yes!!
So have you got anything out this little silly experiment?
- Most definitely yes! I'll post a reflective entry later to summarize my thoughts, learnings and the total expenditure on food.
Are you going to shout me lunch now for all those times i had to listen to you whine about not eating?
- Not unless you want some cheese with that whine!
Breakfast: Sweet Bun
Lunch: Wholemeal Buns with Baked Beans and Ricotta.
Dinner: Rice
Total Cost:$ 4.45
Friday, June 27, 2008
Day 27 / 28 / 29 - ... eat eat eat!!
Breakfast: Porridge
Lunch: Scotch Fillet with Potato Gratin, field mushrooms, broccolini and a red wine jus / A bottle of red (Work Charity Luncheon - $5 donation)
Dinner: None
Total Cost: $5
Breakfast: Porridge
Lunch: Mediterranean Omlette (in exchange for Nick's moving of house duties performed)
Dinner: Potatoes and Peas
Total Cost: $3.1
Breakfast: Soy Latte
Lunch: Singapore Noodles, Soy Chicken, Curried Beef, Green Salad, Birthday Cake, ...
Dinner: Fruit Salad
Total Cost: $2.5
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Day 25 & 26 - Mummy, where does meat come from?
- vast areas of land and large quantities of fresh water are required to support the livestock and the feed that they eat.
- Antibiotic and growth enhancement drugs are needed to mitigate the risk of infection and accelerate production.
- The disposal of excrement/waste,
- transportation to abattoir
- and finally, packaging and delivery to the supermarkets to you the consumer.
What the authors impress upon the reader, is the demands that this has on our environment and the lack of foresight in understanding the ramifications. Climate change is the hot topic in recent years, yet clearly there are many underlying issues that are overlooked by the media and public. Clearance of forests to make way for farming, chemical and waste run off into rivers and lakes, contribution to air pollution in surrounding areas are just some examples that potentially should be brought to attention.
I have not been transformed into an overnight "greeny tree hugger vegan", but my interest has definitely been pricked in how i can contribute to eating sustainably.
Breakfast: Porridge
Lunch: Tomato and Pasta (leftover)
Dinner: Zatar - Oregon and Sesame, Bean Mix and Baby Spinach.
Breakfast: Porridge
Lunch: Bean Mix and Baby Spinach, 2 wholemeal buns
Dinner: Soup (last frozen pack from a few weeks ago)
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Day 24 - Eating for Sustenance
Breakfast: Turkish Toast
Lunch: Roast Potatoes, Carrot, Cauliflower and Pumpkin (Leftovers)
Dinner: Tomato and Pasta. a schooner of beer (curse you Mr Webb)
Purchase: Diced Tomatoes $0.99
Total Cost: $0.99
A few friends have expressed concern over my current eating regimen, in particular, the lack of intake of vitamins and nutrients.It's a fair point, but in all honesty, what is an adequate amount that one needs to consume on a daily basis? What food type am i meant to eat? What are the required vitamins and nutrients? What do firemen have to with food?
I'll research this in the next post.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
The Facts - Dietary Guidelines
commentary on: - patterns and determinants of health and illness - health across the life
stages - the supply and use of health services - expenditure and workforce - and health
sector performance.
Of interest to me and and my challenge is that of the dietary impacts on health. Chapter 4
covers such issues. An extract from the chapter
Common knowledge you would think right? It's something that you hear during your Phys Ed
class or from your health conscious parents. Chapter 6 of the Aust. Health
2008 provides a health assessment on the 25-64 year old range.
Health risk and protective factors vary across the 25–64 years age group by sex (Table6.12). In 2004–05, levels of excess body weight for this group were high. Almost two-thirds(64%) of males in this group were overweight or obese and for females this proportion was 42%. One quarter (25%) were current smokers. Alcohol intake at risky or high-risk levels Australia’s health 2008 was relatively uncommon, but still a concern—in the 2004–05 NHS, 17%
of males and 13% of females reported consuming alcohol at levels that are considered risky
to health.Dietary patterns are also of concern: less than 15% in this group eat the recommended daily serves of vegetables. Fruit consumption estimates are more positive, with 46% of males and 60% of females eating the recommended two or more serves per day. The majority of people in the age group (67.5%) undertook some form of exercise for sport, recreation or fitness in the 2 week period before the survey, and one-third reported exercising at low levels or being sedentary.
Shocked? We are becoming a nation of fatty fat fats!!! Compounded with this article from
SMH, Australia pips US as world's fattest nation, it does make you wonder when the country is going to go belly up!
So in relation to food consumption, what should we be eating you ask. As a guide, the National Health and Medical Research Council provides a pamphlet outlining a dietary recommendation.
Should a person be constrained by financial limits, its evident that it can be more difficult to incorporate a healthier diet. An example can be seen through the bread selection. For $1.11 you can pick up a generic white loaf of bread. Having white bread is great and all, but when compared to the more wholesome Burgen Rye bread which has a significant portion of fibre and less sugars, it becomes apparent that there are better choices. At $4.76 for a loaf it does get a tad expensive. But what is the cost of good health? Its immeasurable! Being in good health means that you can avoid sick days off work, getting out to explore the great outdoors, physical activities with the children and having greater self confidence of your image.
So have you considered what you eat? Do you come close to the dietary standards? Have a think over what you have eaten this past couple of days and how it stacks up.
Day 23 - 1 week left .. hold on to your forks and cowboy hats!
It's now a race against time!!!
Breakfast: Porridge
Lunch: Tuna on Turkish Focaccia
Dinner: Steamed and Baked Cauliflower, Pumpkin, Carrot, Potatoes
Purchase: Tuna, Cauliflower, Pumpkin, Carrot, Potatoes
Total Cost: $4.62
The dinner purchases of Cauliflower, Pumpkin, Carrot and Potatos were of exceptional value! They are your typical seasonal winter vegetables. With a total cost of $2.97, maybe i should consider being a vegetarian? Looking at the list from the link above, there is an abundance of choice and incorporating different cooking methods would yield even more of a smorgasboard!
Who knows, this could be another challenge...
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Day 21 & 22 - A weekend of living as a King!
The GFW Expo is an event that i have been attending over the past 3 years and its interesting to see how its grown and evolved. This year's main attraction of Gordon Ramsey definitely drew a strong crowd compare to previous years. He puts on a decent show, although why women turn all gooey around him.. i'm not too sure; honestly, his not that attractive and his married!
Another point of contention at was the prescence of the "Indomie - Mi Goreng" stall. Now, don't get me wrong, i am a big fan of these tasty snacks. However, how can this food be classified as "good food"? Especially a food type that should be limited in consumption due to its high salt amount and artificial ingredients!
Being on the $5 dollar budget meant that i was unable to make a purchase of any food (most products on sale average around $7
Brunch: Coffee
Good Food and Wine Show - Numerous tastings of food(cookies, duck, meats, olives, chutneys, ...) and wine.
Dinner: Wendy's 3 Course Bonanza Meal (Thanks Wendy, you rock!)
Total Cost: $2.50

As much as there were plenty of tastings, it really was an insignificant amount to even classify as as meal. Thankfully, my fab friend Wendy came to the rescue. She cooked up an awesome chicken roast. Thanks also to Kirsti, for the psychdelic trippy Philly Puff Pastries. It's amazing at how sharing a meal with friends can bring so much enjoyment.

Brunch: Eggs on Toast
Dinner: Leather Jacket Fish, Rice, Melon Soup (Courtesy of Mum)
Total Cost: $3
Whilst living at home, family meals were a daily affair that my Mother placed great emphasis upon. It required that all members of the family were present and seated at the table upon dining. I guess i never really truly appreciated nor understood the significance of this event until i moved out.
Now it's an opportunity to catch up on the latest events and occurences. Input and advice can be sought for the issues pressing upon each individual. The face to face contact further reinforces the family ties and association that i have with the family. Its an occasion that i do really do value, no matter how trivial the topics in conversation. So when possible i'll make an effort to attend the family dinner on Sundays.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Day 21 - Good Food and Wine Show = FREEBIES GALORE!
This year will be no different, apart from the fact that i wont be making any purchases unfortunately. Not to worry, i'll make sure i hit up the food samplings a lot harder!!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Day 18 & 19 & 20 - ... and time goes by
Cinematic Orchestra is crooning over the headphones whilst the fans in my computer are whirring and humming along. Friday night in... its great!
Yet for many, they don't have that luxury. They are slaving away, working the late shifts ensuring that the world continues to spin and they are able to survive. This blog post is dedicated to them.
Breakfast: Porridge
Lunch: Toast with Leftover Baked Beans
Dinner: Chunky Tomato and Onion Pasta Sauce (made by me)
Total Cost: $1 (Onion)
Breakfast: Porridge
Lunch: Toast with Tomato and Onion Pasta Sauce
Dinner: 2x 2min Noodle
Total Cost: $1 (2min Noodle)
Breakfast: Toast
Lunch: Porridge
Dinner: Leftover Chunky Tomato and Onion Pasta Sauce (made by me)
Purchase: Doritos Corn Chips ( the cravings must be appeased)
Total Cost: $2
I have really scrimped this past couple of days on my food intake and my expenditure. Again its due to the lack of time. What with my numerous sporting commitments, i struggle to understand how time can be spent in preparation, cooking, eating and then cleaning for one. It's mind-boggling! If people can come up with good ideas, then let me know.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Day 16 & 17
Breakfast: Porridge
Lunch: Baby Spinach and Coles "You'll Love" Baked Bean Sandwich (interesting combo)
Dinner: Tomato-based Pasta (Courtesy of Master Webb)
Purchase: Penne Pasta
Total Cost: $3.75
Day 17
Breakfast: Toast with butter
Lunch: Soup (Down to one frozen container left)
Dinner: Vegetable Kebab - $4.50 (Abduls Takeaway), Glass of Fresh Lemonade $0.50
Total Cost: $5.00
Its amazing to find that you can still get single takeaway meals for under $5. Albeit, some hunting and travelling is involved, its really satisfying to know that you can eat out on a budget.
I think i'll post a list of cheap places to eat out.
Monday, June 16, 2008
The Facts - Homelessness
Each day 1 in every 200 Australians are homeless, without safe, secure or affordable housing. More than 160 000 Australians
experience homelessness each year. One in every 3 homeless Australians is a child. Every day, half the people who request
immediate accommodation from the homeless service system are turned away. Two in every 3 children who need support
are also turned away from homeless assistance services each day.
Extracted from
I have yet to really raise the topic of homelessness yet, but it's an issue that has been ever present in my mind. Working in Sydney City, i am confronted on a daily basis of the reality of this issue. Numerous men, sit on the walkways, destitute and run down. Some try to entertain, others busying themselves reading, while most just lie there sleeping. What you see here is only one aspect of homelessness. The definition of homelessness as cited on is
A person who does not have access to safe, secure, adequate housing. A person is considered not to have safe, secure adequate housing if the only housing to which they have access:
- damages, or is likely to damage, their health; or
- threatens their safety; or
- marginalises them through failing to provide access to:
- adequate personal amenities; or
- the economic and social supports that a home normally affords; or - places them in circumstances which threaten or adversely affect the adequacy, safety, security, affordability of that housing; or
- has no security of tenure – that is, they have no legal right to continued occupation of their home.
Having five dollars to spend on food a day, really is insignificant when compared to those who just don't what they can expect to receive during the day.
I have a roof over my head, a gas stove to cook with and great friends with whom i socialize and share a meal. All these aspects, when converted to a monetary value far exceed the $5 i live on just to eat.
If you want to know more information, there are numerous sites for you check out.
Mission Australia
St Vincent De Paul
Homelessness Australia
St Vincents De Paul - Winter Appeal
Its a collection of photos taken by those who are homeless, capturing the day to day aspects of their lives. Looking through the online exhibition, there truly are some confronting images that are just mere glimpse into what life is like when your homeless.
I am going to head down, and try to see it in person. If your interested in coming along, let me know.
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Sunday, June 15, 2008
Day 13 & 14 & 15 - Still Rolling
Breakfast: Porridge
Lunch: Hong Hai - Chicken Roll (So tasty)
Dinner: Snowpeas and Fried Egg
Total Cost: $4.00
Brunch: Pikelets and Coffee
Dinner: Smorgasboard of Sausages and Potatoes (courtesy of Master O'Leary)
Purchase: Doritos Corn Chips (token offering for the dinner)
Total Cost: $5.00
Brunch: Leftover pikelets and leftover Carrot Cake
Dinner: Rice and Long Melon (courtesy of Mama)
Purchase: Yellow Split Pea & tomato paste
Total Cost: $4.45
The thing that i find hardest is the times missed spending with friends over a meal. Friday night after work saw a few heading to Superbowl for dinner. Having already expended $4.00 at lunch, $1 is not even enough to cover the tea surcharge at a Chinese restaurant. When your limited on money, it not only affects your hunger level, but potentially your opportinity to socialise with others.
Don't get me wrong, you definitely can socialise without spending money, eg sporting activities, but often more often than not, the act of socialising/casual conversation accompanies that of consuming food (Lets catchup, want to meet for coffee? , fancy a bite while we talk
business? etc ... ). I am having a hard time finding empirical studies that illustrate this correlation; however, a study conducted in America on college students
went about determining if food sharing and feeding another person suggest intimacy. Their findings derived from administered questionaires and social experiments suggest that sharing of food is a form of non-verbal communication that can further relationship ties between two parties. It appeals not only to your appetite, but the emotional aspects of your character and the connection with each other
My thoughts are that through the act of sharing a meal, this encourages verbal communication and foster healthy personal relationships. Many fond memories i have are those spent sharing meals with friends, be it at birthdays, family and friend gatherings.
So have conversations with people.. not with your food!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Day 11 & 12 - Rolling on
Most of what i have been eating is purchases made from previous days.
Soup is still very much a staple for the time being especially after making such a big batch. However, i will be seeing the end of it relatively soon.
Breakfast - Cup of Tea
Lunch - Soup
Dinner - Soup / Chinese Vegetables
Total Cost: $0
Introduced another staple today, rolled oats. Im a fan of it. Facing cold winter mornings with a warm bowl of porridge topped with sugar..a very satisfactory way to start the day.
Breakfast - Porridge
Lunch - Soup
Dinner - 2 min Noodles
Total Cost $2.40
Was given a book to read by colleague Alex after having some discussions regarding my challenge. Its entitled "The Ethics of Eating" by Peter Singer / Jim Mason.
Should be interesting as to whether any relevancy can be drawn between what i'm doing here and about ethical eating.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Day 9 & 10 - Love you long time, five dollaaar!
Monday - Get into the market
Paddy's Market. Not a bad place to head to get started. Remember, you only have a limited amount of money you want to make the most of it.
Here are my tips.
- You can't be too hasty, for those who rush head on with a second thought, are only going to find that what they wind up with, just isn't what they want. Don't be deceived by stall keepers banging cartons or shrieking "Cheap Cheap / 2 Dollar, 2 Dollar!!".
- It can't be too expensive either, because your not going to get much value and you know its going to ruin you in the long run.
- Look around, have a smell. Be certain in what you need, but at the same time be open to new things.
- If you can try before you buy, i say, give it a go. No good in getting something that looks good, but turns out to be a lemon (pun unintended)
- Most people don't want "something" too old / bruised or smells funny. If thats what your into though... go right ahead.

So what do i get for taking my own advice?

Hard to believe that everything here was $1 each.
From these i am able to make:
Roast Potatoes and Carrots
Potato / Carrot / Tomato / Cabbage Soup
Fried Choy Sum / Carrot Stirfry
Tomato Pasta Sauce
Tomato as a condiment
Total Cost: $5
Tuesday - Continuing the relationship
So after yesterdays affair with all those vegetables, i still have some lingering around, namely carrots and tomatoes. Not one to be able to afford food wastage, I'm endeavoring to make the most of what i have available and get my moneys worth. Tomatoes are really versatile and can be used in many ways. Carrots on the other hand, not as attractive.
So, i thought i would try something different. That being baking!
Picking up some butter, sugar, flour, grated eggs and a couple of eggs. you get this...

Not exactly how i expected but hey, it sure beats cabbage cake!
Total Cost: $5
Monday, June 9, 2008
Day 9 - What happened to Day 7 & 8?
Weekends just disappear so quickly. Its a time to go out and catch up with friends, complete domestics or to see it pass by playing Scrabble at the local cafe.
I'll backtrack a little.
12:00 - Brunch - Leftover Cabbage Pasta Soup (that was the last of it, thank goodness)
18:00 - Dinner - Rice, Baby Snow Peas, Pork Slices (Love Markdowns!)
With the purchase of rice, i now have a staple to help get through the week. At 12c per 100g, its quite easy to understand how this grain its one of the most consumed foods around the world.
Total Cost: $4.88

Having only woken up at around 1pm (thanks to a late night house party), the whole eating thing has gone whack for the day. As you can tell, 2 min noodles was the winner for the day in overcoming hunger.
04:30 - Breakfast - 2 min Noodles
14:00 - Lunch - 2 min Noodles
19:00 - Dinner - Rice, Tofu, Mince (Did i tell you how i love Markdowns?)
Total Cost: $4.76
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Day 7 - One Week On
It has been most interesting when explaining the challenge to people. Most see me as bizarre and eccentric, others find it interesting and want to know more. Either way, i guess this is largely a personal expedition of exploring more about the effects that food has upon humans. Sometimes these issues don't present themselves so clearly on the surface, however, with an inquisitive mind and a desire to want to delve further, deeper issues can be pried out.
Over the coming weeks, I'm going to try and flesh out more and present them to you the reader. Feel free to leave comments of whatever nature. The food suggestions are great and I'll make an attempt follow them up and photograph the result of them. Or if you have an opinion/view on a topic i have raised, don't hesitate to engage me in public discourse.
Happy Eating.
Day 6 - Eating for a cause, drinking us poor.
The day started with a big breakfast at the City Grind Cafe. My work puts on a charity breakfast to support the Leukaemia Foundation. Each month the staff dine at the many numerous cafes near the workplace and the cost of the meal is covered by the organisation in return for a $5 donation.
Getting to dine on bacon, poached eggs, grilled mushroom, tomatoes, sausages and a soy latte for a mere $5 knowing that its going to a great cause.... i am down for supporting that!!
Nevertheless, it means no expenditure on food for the rest of day. Fortunately, i still have slices of bread from Tuesday's purchase for lunch. Phew, that was a great decision.
Friday evenings for a quite a few of the Sydney City populous, start with a few drinks at the local drinking hole of choice. For some its an opportunity to catch up with friends and unwind, whilst for others, its the beginning of a bender of a weekend.
With the $5 budget extending to alcohol, it becomes evident how much money can escape ones wallet on such a night out. Average consumption for a night out would see between 3 - 6 drinks. Average cost of beer in Sydney i would put at around $5, increase that for spirits. Throw a few friends in to the equation and consumption increases.
I'm not going to harp on the detrimental health effects that alcohol has on your body but instead, consider the impact it has on your wallet.
Total Cost : $5
Friday, June 6, 2008
Day 5 - Polish Dining
Allow me to show you what came out from the Kitchen

As you can tell, some warm and delectable meat dishes to satisfy the carnivore on cold winters evening. As dishes came out one by one, the delicious aromas wafted towards me, taunting and laughing at my self-inflicted misfortune.
So, what does $5 get you at a polish restaurant? My choice for the evening...
Warm stewed red cabbage and apples.

A measly and pitiful dish when compared to the likes of what the others gorged themselves with.
Fortunately, there was fresh rye bread for the table. Needless to say, yours truly was quick to acquaint himself with the bread and introduce it to cabbage.
I am really hoping that there wont be too many celebratory dinner outings this month.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Day 5 - Dining out
We are going to a Polish restaurant. Na Zdrowie
From Wikipedia
Polish cruisine is rich in meat, especially chicken and pork ...
... the traditional cuisine generally is demanding and Poles allow themselves a generous amount of time to prepare and enjoy their festive meals....
I have $5 to spend ...
Day 4 - My Miseryapiece!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Day 4 - Mark it down, James Brown
There have been some concerns raised by a few friends about my past meals and how its not sustainable nor healthy. Thanks, and i agree with you all! My problem is that I just haven't been managing my time very well and subsequently, i am either eating not so healthy foods or skipping a meal all together. I will endeveour to do better.
So a breakdown of my purchase in respect to health benefits.
- Penne Pasta - source of carbs
- Salad Mix - Vitamins, fibre, antioxidents
- Red Radish - Antioxidents that contain anthocynanins which may help decrease colon cancer
- Devon - Some meat properties i think although barely
- Cabbage - Makes you fart
Total Cost: $4.90
Breakfast saw 3 Slices of toast... againLunch was a sandwich with the salad mix and devon.That means I am left with radish and cabbage.I'm going to get on up and try to make something funky! I've never cooked radish before so its going to prove to be interesting. I'll post up my masterpiece later.
Hot pants!
Day 3/4 - 2am what am i doing up awake???
Today's breakfast was Coles White Bread toasted ($1.11). Vegemite/Peanut Butter is just way too expensive to have as a topping. I think i may need to look into acquiring some butter to at
least stop my mouth from the blandness.Lunch also saw toast except this time with 220g can of "You'll love" Coles Baked Beans($1.76).
Unfortunately, i managed to skip dinner again due to my futsal commitments. I'm going to have to address this whole skipping dinner business, can't be good for me.
So far these no-name/house brands have proven to be quite the cost effective way to purchase
food. Taste wise, I can't really say anything negative against them when compared to other "Premium" brands. I know a person who works for Woolworths in the Quality Assurance department and they assure me that much research and trials are conducted to ensure that these retail house products (You'll Love Coles.. and Woolworths Select) are comparable to other brands in taste and quality. From my viewpoint, why pay more for food when you are getting comparable products? More on this at more suitable hour.
Total Cost: $2.87
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Day 3 - Use your noodle
is only good for potty reading) but somewhat relevant to my challenge; Instant Noodles
Instant Noodles where invented by a Momofuku Ando. A stuggling Japanese business man trying to rebuild his life after the horrific WWII, took it upon himself to overcome the scarcity of food faced by the Japanese masses. As a result, the instant noodle was conceived.
Who would have thought that Instant Noodles were born out of hardship in bleak and difficult
times. Could this be a sign of what is to come for myself? Will i have to rely on the noodle in
order to avoid eating a poodle? I'm going to pick up some on the way home should WWIII unleash.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Day 2 - Clarification needed
Im going to change a few rules in order to simplify things. Thi will include consumption of available foods and also that of rolling over of unspent money from here on in.
Basically, any food provided by friends can be consumed. However, no leftovers should be available to be taken home to exploit.
Money unspent on that day will not be rolled over to avoid having to do numerous calculations in assessing how much money remains in the kitty. Money unspent will be sent off for a charitable cause.
Subsequently, today's meals consumed of 2 biscuits and tea for breakfast, a packet of Coles "You'll love it" 2 minutes noodles and nothing for dinner due to my poor time management.
Total Cost: 55c
Suffice to say, i am feeling rather peckish. I am going to have to put some thought in how i plan to survive for the rest of the week.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Day 1 - And so the challenge begins.
For me, I'm awaken by the locals having a terse argument
"Frank, Frank, i want my %*&#@ money!!!"
" I don't have your ^*$#% money you dumb ...."
Ahhh... so much serenity.
Serenity and winter aside, today marks the commencement of my month long $5 a day challenge.
Having only been awake for an hour or 2, its already proven to be difficult. Most weekends see me stumbling down to my favourite cafe Bobby's in a bleary-eyed stupor for some much needed coffee and a mighty massive breakfast ( 2 bacon, 2 eggs, fried mushrooms and tomatoes on Turkish). As satisfying as the meal is, it's luxury that i will need to forgo for the time being.
$2.50 for a soy latte is by no means an expensive cup of espresso, but when the cost is half your budget, one really needs to weigh up the options.
Brunch consisted of eggs and cheese on toast that were present in the fridge and numerous refills of tea . Its no massive breakfast but it filled the void that resided in my stomach. It would be fair to say, apart from skipping breakfast, meals are far more cost effective when purchased and prepared by yourself especially when a loaf of bread and a carton of eggs can be had for a similar price as a paid meal.
Now it can be easy for me to continually eat the same thing day in, day out, but that would be dull and boring as well as not to entirely beneficial to the body. So I'll attempt to try and incorporate as many different foods as monetarily possible.
As yet, i still don't have a concrete plan in what i will be purchasing but hey, thats half the fun. I'm sure it will materialize as the event unfolds.